Face Mask FAQs

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For everyone's convenience we've put together some of your most frequently asked questions about our new face masks. We hope this helps answer all of your burning questions. 

What materials are the face masks made of?

Our face masks are composed of the 3 layers. A bamboo outer and 2 cotton inner layers. The addition of a fourth layer can be added with the filter.

What are the filters made of?

The filters are a PM 2.5 Activated Carbon Filter which are made of PP anti-sticking cloth, meltblown cloth and activated carbon cloth.

Where are the face masks made?

All of the artwork and designs are created here in Australia and the masks are made in a trusted family-owned garment factory in China (workplace of 300 people). They share our drive to develop sustainable and ethical production, something we here at Yarn are very passionate about. The factory owner - a Chinese Australian couple - lived for a long time in Australia and continues to share this passion.

When will I receive my mask?

Currently our masks are on pre-order and will be shipped out on approximately the 1st of September or earlier. Please note that if you are ordering other items as well as your mask the whole order will be put on hold until this time and shipped together.

Do the masks have a nose wire?

Our classic face masks don’t have a nose wire, however you will find them to be a flexible, soft and comfortable fit. They fit snugly over the nose without restricting breathing. We now also offer premium fitted face masks which do include a nose wire. You can find them here. 

Are the face masks and filters washable?

Our face masks are completely reusable and washable. We recommend hand washing your mask with disinfectant once a day and fully drying it either in a heated dryer or air drying in the sunshine.

The filters are not washable, with normal daily use we recommend changing your filter every 2 days. Each mask comes with 2 filters and we also sell 20 packs of filters which can be found here.

Do we sell kids masks?

We do! You can check out our new range of kids masks here.