
"I reflected on times when I have sat with Elders, listening and learning from the stories they share. I think about the cultural knowledge that has been generously passed down to me and the way I use this knowledge of Country to guide me every day. I am thankful to be able to pass this knowledge on to my son, who is growing up to be strong and proud in his culture."

- Caitlin Trindall -


Thriving Together

The concept of this artwork is to reflect on the knowledge, wisdom and guidance I have received through my Elders and the Elders within my community. I am forever grateful for the connections I have with strong Aboriginal people who wholeheartedly embody the NAIDOC theme: Strength, Vision and Legacy.

I reflected on times when I have sat with Elders, listening and learning from the stories they share. I think about the cultural knowledge that has been generously passed down to me and the way I use this knowledge of Country to guide me every day. I am thankful to be able to pass this knowledge on to my son, who is growing up to be strong and proud in his culture.

The bottom layer of arches are our pillars of strength, our ancestors who have paved the way before us and who have left a lasting legacy.

On top of that are silhouettes of people which have been used to represent the physical and spiritual presence of people – past, present and future.
The meeting places have been used to symbolise our connection to people and Country, through ceremonies taking place where our culture thrives, being practised loud and proud.

I have included bush foods and bush medicines (flowering gum, wattle, lilli pilli, lemon myrtle, pippi shells) which are sustained through the flowing river and waterholes. We live in harmony with Country, we care for Country and Country provides for us in return.


ABout the artist

Caitlin Trindall

Caitlin Trindall, is the Gomeroi woman behind Mirii Art. Caitlin creates art inspired by her own life experiences and brings First Nations culture and art into new spaces.
