A Yarn with Artist Ang Bennett Creator of Bindigenous Designs

We are very excited to introduce new Yarn partner brand, Bindigenous Designs. Bindigenous Designs is a product of the creativity of proud Kamilaroi woman, Ang Bennett. She creates gorgeous sticker designs made specially to decorate rubbish bins. Through this interview we learn more about Ang Bennet’s artistic inspiration and the mission behind Bindigenous.

Why did you begin Bindigenous Designs?

“It happened accidentally. When I painted my bins I half expected it to come off within a month. Someone told me to varnish it on and then people started asking for stickers made from the design. I had to at least give it a go? I had my son, Tristan digitalise the designs for me and saved up to buy the first lot of stickers. The first sale was in August 2020.”

What is Bindigenous Design’s mission?

“Ironically my mission is to make bins used less than they currently are. Most of us here in Australia require at least two Earths to sustain our lifestyles. We don’t have two Earth’s, so something has to give. The land does not need us to survive but we definitely need the land. The land will survive and thrive without us. Landfill and waste are a huge contributing factor to the damage we are doing to the Earth’s skin."

"I also see it as an opportunity to share and celebrate Indigenous culture. I believe it can also contribute to additional benefits such as tourism."

"Putting rubbish in the bin - It’s another conscious or unconscious reminder about what I’m about to put in it. Could it have been reduced or avoided altogether? My vision is for everyone to share my feelings about bins. That they don’t have to be used all that much. They can be beautiful and sit in our yards and brighten up the place”

What is your first memory of painting?

“At school. I have flashes of memories of painting rainbows and butterflies. I painted our bin at home when I was 10. I’d painted flowers, a tree and a sun on it. I did a drive by some 15 years later and it was still painted. Painting has always been associated with happiness and makes me feel warm and happy.”

What inspires you to paint?

“It sucks me in. Aside from the relaxation it makes me feel, it makes me feel connected to my culture and to my mum and aunty who both painted. There has been a lot of trauma around me and painting heals my soul. Not exactly inspiring but I’m drawn to it because of what it does for my mind.”

Who is one of your favourite artists who inspires you?

“I love Bronwyn Bancroft. I love the colours and shapes she uses! I’m a primary school teacher and her books have been a regular part of the classroom. The artists who inspire me the most are those in my artists circle. We aren’t competitive. We encourage each other and support and share each other’s work.”

Are you excited to be a part of the Yarn platform?

“Absolutely. I love the concept of what Yarn is doing for Indigenous people. It’s very empowering and I am loving the voice that is being given to us. I am very grateful for the opportunity. I am very excited but also completely petrified at the same time!”

Is there anything else you like to tell us about your stickers and artworks?

“I am currently collaborating with 3 other Aboriginal women who are all contributing a design to add to the Bindigenous collection. Collaborating with other Aboriginal people has been a dream and goal and I didn’t think it would happen so quickly. One of the designs is now available and another one will be available within a month and the third shortly thereafter.”

Bindigenous’s designs are now available on Yarn. So get in quick and grab your bin a gorgeous decorative sticker!

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